width: Number
The width of the graph container
height: Number
The height of the graph container
canvasStyle: String
The css styles for canvas root container
spacing: Number
The spacing from top and left of graph container
nodeWidth: Number
The width of sankey nodes
nodeBorderWidth: Number
The border width of the nodes
nodeBorderColor: Color
The border color of the nodes
onNodeClick: Function
A callback function when a node is clicked
edgeOpacity: Number
The opacity for the edges (the lines that connect the nodes)
edgeGradientFill: Boolean
Whether to use gradient blend mode when drawing edges.
enableTooltip: Boolean
Enable tooltip on hover of edges
tooltipId: String
The tooltip HTML element id
tooltipTemplate: Function
The HTML template for the tooltip
tooltipBorderColor: Color
The border color of the tooltip
tooltipBGColor: Color
The background color of the tooltip
fontSize: String
The size of font of the node labels
fontFamily: String
The font family of the node labels
fontWeight: Number
The font weight (thickness of the typeface) of the node labels
fontColor: Color
The font color of the node labels