show: Boolean
Whether to show or hide the legend container.
showForSingleSeries: Boolean
Show legend even if there is just 1 series.
showForNullSeries: Boolean
Allows you to hide a particular legend if it’s series contains all null values.
showForZeroSeries: Boolean
Allows you to hide a particular legend if it’s series contains all 0 values.
position: String
Available position options for legend
horizontalAlign: String
Available options for horizontal alignment
floating: Boolean
The floating option will take out the legend from the chart area and make it float above the chart.
fontSize: String
Sets the fontSize of legend text elements
fontFamily: String
Sets the font-family of legend text elements
fontWeight: String | Number
Sets the font-weight of legend text elements
inverseOrder: Boolean
Inverse the placement ordering of the legend items.
width: Number
Sets the width for legend container
height: Number
Sets the height for legend container
customLegendItems: Array
Allows you to overwrite the default legend items with this customized set of labels. Please note that the click/hover
events of the legend will stop working if you provide these custom legend labels.
clusterGroupedSeries: Boolean
In a grouped stacked chart, this option gives a visual difference by grouping the legend items in different containers.
clusterGroupedSeriesOrientation: String
Available Options are either “horizontal” or “vertical”
offsetX: Number
Sets the left offset for legend container
offsetY: Number
Sets the top offset for legend container
colors: Array of Colors
Custom text colors for legend labels. Accepts an array of colors where each index corresponds to the series index
useSeriesColors: Boolean
Whether to use primary colors or not.
size: Number
Size of the marker point that appears before the legend text
shape: String || Array of Strings
Shape of the marker.
Available Options for shape
- circle
- square
- line
- plus
- cross
- star
- sparkle
- diamond
- triangle
strokeWidth: Number
Stroke Size of the marker point.
fillColors: Array of Colors
Fill Color of the marker point.
customHTML: function
Custom HTML element to put in place of marker
customHTML: function() {
return '<span class="custom-marker"><i class="fas fa-chart-pie"></i></span>'
onClick: function
Fire an event when legend’s marker is clicked
onClick: function(chart, seriesIndex, opts) {
console.log("series- " seriesIndex + "'s marker was clicked")
offsetX: Number
Sets the left offset of the marker
offsetY: Number
Sets the top offset of the marker
horizontal: Number
Horizontal margin for individual legend item.
vertical: Number
Vertical margin for individual legend item.
toggleDataSeries: Boolean
When clicked on legend item, it will toggle the visibility of the series in chart.
highlightDataSeries: Boolean
When hovered on legend item, it will highlight the paths of the hovered series in chart.