radius: Number
Radius of the rectangle inside heatmap
enableShades: Boolean
Enable different shades of color depending on the value
shadeIntensity: Number
The intensity of the shades generated for each value
Accepts from 0 to 1
reverseNegativeShade: Boolean
When enabled, it will reverse the shades for negatives but keep the positive shades as it is now. An example of such use-case would be in a profit/loss chart where darker reds mean larger losses, darker greens mean larger gains.
distributed: Boolean
When turned on, each row in a heatmap will have it’s own lowest and highest range and colors will be shaded for each series. Default value is turned off.
useFillColorAsStroke: Boolean
If turned on, the stroke/border around the heatmap cell has the same color as the cell color.
colorScale: Number
ranges: Array
from: Number
Value indicating range’s upper limit
to: Number
Value indicating range’s lower limit
color: String
Background color to fill the range with.
foreColor: String
Fore Color of the text if data-labels is enabled.
name: String
If a name is provided, it will be used in the legend. If it is not provided, the text falls back to {from} - {to}
inverse: Boolean
In a multiple series heatmap, flip the color-scale to fill the heatmaps vertically instead of horizontally.
min: Number
Specify the lower range for heatmap color calculation.
max: Number
Specify the higher range for heatmap color calculation.